What are the 5 things you can do with RM5 today?

Here’s how this ordinary green note can make your day a little extraordinary. An RM5 note used to take us quite far – we could score things like 10 days’ worth of nasi lemak from the school canteen and a few hours of internet browsing at the cyber cafe. That is no longer the case though. The value of money has decreased quite a bit since our school-going days. Today, even the minimum hourly car park rate in the city centre costs RM5!

Before you bemoan the fact that today’s RM5 will soon be the new 50 cents in a couple of years, there is actually a tonne of stuff (and experiences) that RM5 can buy you.

Unlike what is glorified by social media, happiness does not always lie in a fancy getaway where you post photos of your bikini body or designer cocktails on a Friday night. While these luxuries may help take the edge off during a stressful day or week, they could cause a huge dent in your wallet as well.

Instead, why not explore other pick-me-ups which cost RM5 or less?

Sounds too good to be true?

Give these suggestions a shot:

1. Have a hearty (cheap) lunch of economy rice 

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but lunch keeps us going with the energy needed to get through the rest of the day. Economy rice, or better known as ‘nasi campur’ and ‘chap fan’, is a typical Malaysian lunch favourite due to its endless options and reasonable price. RM5 will get you a plate of rice with a fish or chicken dish, along with a green veggie or two.

Look around for stalls which take extra care in healthy food preparation, they do not necessarily have to be more expensive!

If you are the sort who must have your daily dose of nasi lemak, this works too! Just add an extra egg or throw in some kangkung to make your meal more wholesome. Rice is not always the enemy – in fact, it is a source of safe starch which is good for our body. It is also gluten-free and helps stabilize your blood sugar. Just remember to eat it in moderation and you will be fine.

Read the rest of the article HERE

Originally from: Lifestyle section of iProperty.com.my
